Brief About Dar
Brief About Dar

The Industrial Islamic Orphanage School has been established by people of goodness in the first place to provide orphanage children and youth a home, love, happiness, education, physical, mental and emotional. We also supervise their health and provide them with a pocket money and transport allowance sponsored by goodness people inside and outside Palestine.

The Ministry of Awqaf and Religious Affairs has secured some of the basic requirements to them, and provide them with academic and vocational stream.

The first Industrial Islamic Orphanage School was established in Jerusalem near Al-Aqsa Mosque in 1922 as a school and dormitory for orphanage  and social situations providing the children a home and highest level of education. The school also represents as a leader in vocational education & training (VET), to complement the system of education and training in industrial sections to promote rational insight for the future.

The establishment of the industrial section in high school at the orphanage school adds real quality to education and training in Palestine youth especially for our orphanage youth by opening the Technical pathway in addition to the traditional known Scientific and Arts pathways, which provides more options to our promising youth. The addition of the technical pathway is dictated by the imperatives of our time depending on technology as a way of evolution and adaptation, thus technical training became the cornerstone of a modern knowledge economy.

The faith of our far-sighted leadership by building a solid base of knowledge of the economy in Palestine and realization of demand of local market in recent years will boost the growing role of technical and technological training and education. May Allah help us all to repay this gesture to our beloved country.

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